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Rev Diabet Stud, 2020, 16:46-50 DOI 10.1900/RDS.2020.16.46

The Teach-Back Effect on Self-Efficacy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Marhamat Farahaninia1, Tahere Sarboozi Hoseinabadi2,3, Rasool Raznahan2,3, Shima Haghani4

1Department of Community Health Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Iran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Tehran, Iran
2Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Torbat Heydariyeh University of Medical Sciences, Torbat Heydariyeh, Iran
3Health Sciences Research Center, Torbat Heydariyeh University of Medical Sciences, Torbat Heydariyeh, Iran
4Biostatistics Nursing Care Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Address correspondence to: Rasool Raznahan, e-mail: sednpaperjournal@yahoo.com

Manuscript submitted September 13, 2020; resubmitted September 25, 2020; accepted October 2, 2020.

Keywords: teach-back, self-efficacy, self-management, training, type 2 diabetes, disease management


BACKGROUND: Diabetes is a chronic, metabolic disease, which is commonly associated with increased blood glucose levels caused by impaired secretion or function of insulin. Therefore, daily blood glucose control, adherence to a dietary and pharmaceutical regimen, regular physical activity, and foot care are fundamental components of disease management. In order to optimize effective self-management, patients need to be trained. Teach-back is a method which aims to improve patients' understanding and perception of treatment regimens based on the interaction between patient and caregiver. AIM: This study was conducted to investigate the impact of the teach-back method on the effectiveness of self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). METHODS: A total of 74 patients with T2D were included in the study by convenience sampling at the Endocrine and Metabolism Clinic. The subjects were assigned to control or intervention group. Data collection was performed by using a demographic data form and a self-efficacy questionnaire that were provided to the patients before and 1 month after training. The patients in the intervention group received a 5-session training program using the teach-back method. The control group received only routine programs. One month after completion of the training sessions, the questionnaires were completed by the subjects in the 2 groups, and the data obtained were analyzed. RESULTS: In contrast to the control group, mean and standard deviation of self-efficacy were significantly higher in the intervention group one month after training by the teach-back method than before training. The two groups did not significantly differ regarding mean score of self-efficacy before training, but there was a significant difference one month after training: the mean score of self-efficacy in the intervention group was significantly higher than in the control group (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Teach-back is a training procedure aimed at improving patients' understanding of treatment regimens. This study showed that teach-back significantly improved patients' self-efficacy even over as short a period as one month. It may be interesting to study the long-term effects of this simple but effective training method.

1. Introduction

Chronic diseases are among the main causes of mortality and disability in the world today [1]. Decline in physical activity, increase in obesity and tobacco use, and increasingly aging populations have led to considerable growth rates in the prevalence of chronic diseases in societies [2]. Diabetes is one of the most common chronic metabolic diseases [3, 4]. According to reports by the World Health Organization (WHO), about 422 million individuals were affected by diabetes in 2014, with greater prevalence in low and moderate income countries. The global prevalence of diabetes is estimated to be 8.5% among adults aged above 18 years. It was the seventh leading cause of mortality in 2016 (1.6 million individuals died from consequences of diabetes) [5].

Diabetes may cause short-term complications, including as hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis, and long-term complications, including retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, and cardiovascular disease [6]. It may also lead to disability and a multi-year decline in life expectancy [7, 8]. Therefore, daily blood glucose control, adherence to a dietary and pharmaceutical regimen, physical activity, and regular foot care are essential factors in disease management [9, 10]. About 95% of diabetes treatment consists of self-management criteria [11, 12]. Application of effective self-management behavior is thus decisive in diabetes treatment; therefore, its effectiveness needs to be optimized by training people with diabetes, which should result in improved self-efficacy [13].

Self-efficacy means self-confidence and the individual's ability to conduct self-management in various situations [14]. Perceived self-efficacy is an important factor for successful performance of self-management and a fundamentally required skill to perform it [15]. Bandura described self-efficacy as an individual's belief in his ability to achieve a specific goal [16]. The WHO describes self-efficacy as a measure of health promotion at an individual level to achieve control over one's own life [17]. Improvement of self-efficacy is an important prerequisite for behavioral changes and may result in an increase in life-expectancy [18, 19].

Training is a proper tool to increase awareness in patients, so that active and informed cooperation for the self-management of their disease is improved [20]. Also, training should be based on patients' needs and emphasize the key aspects of the teach-back method [21]. Teach-back is an evidence-based training method based on the interaction between patient and physician; it is helpful to assess patients' understanding and perception of treatment regimens through interviewing patients; its aim is to increase patients' knowledge and perception and improve their self-management. This method provides valuable information for patient and healthcare givers and helps to improve the treatment process and outcome [22]. It aims to provide effective learning and decrease memory errors and mistakes [23].

Teach-back is considered one of the most effective methods to improve training perception [24, 25]. In teach-back, the trainer teaches content in simple and understandable language without using medical terms, and after finishing the training, the clients are asked to explain the content as they perceived it. If the client did not understand the content properly, the trainer should repeat it to clients until complete understanding is reached [26]. The nurse trainer may access the needs of the patients involved by communication skills, and has the ability to design and present individualized training to meet these needs [27]. Since training is important for patients to ensure individuals' perception, recall, and maintenance of training information, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of the teach-back method on self-efficacy in patients with T2D over a short one-month period to determine whether immediate success can be obtained by introducing this method.

2. Materials and methods

2.1 Patients


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