Development of a Novel Imaging Technique for Monitoring Beta-Cell Mass Changes and Islet Regeneration
The project aims to develop a new generation contrast agent for noninvasive imaging of beta-cells in vivo for the detection of diabetes, monitoring therapy in animal and clinical trials, and identification of diabetes pathogenesis. The new agent will be created by conjugation of a beta-cell specific marker with particles and isotopes for application in different modalities. The marker has been found to bind exclusively to live, insulin-prodicung beta-cells, and is therefore appropriate for functional imaging. The new technology will be applied for the monitoring of islet transplantation, beta-cell mass changes in disease and therapy, and islet regeneration. The project is scheduled for a period of 5 years. The consortium consists of 5 academic centers and 1 medium-sized enterprise.
If you are interested in this project and if you would like to learn more about the details, do not hesitate to contact us by mail at betaimag(at)