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Rev Diabet Stud, 2006, 3(3):118-126 DOI 10.1900/RDS.2006.3.118

Diet, Exercise and the Metabolic Syndrome

Christos Pitsavos1, Demosthenes Panagiotakos2, 3, Christodoulos Stefanadis1

1First Cardiology Clinic, School of Medicine, University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
2Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece.
3Society for Biomedical Diabetes Research, Duisburg, Germany.
Address correspondence to: Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos, e-mail:

Keywords: metabolic syndrome, diet, exercise, life-stlye


The metabolic syndrome is a combination of metabolic disorders, such as dyslipidemia, hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, compensatory hyperinsulinemia and the tendency to develop fat around the abdomen. Individuals with the metabolic syndrome are at high risk for atherosclerosis and, consequently, cardiovascular disease. However, as a result of several epidemiologic studies and some clinical trials, it has been suggested that people with the metabolic syndrome may benefit from intensive lifestyle modifications including dietary changes and adopting a physically more active lifestyle. In this review we summarize the effects of diet and physical activity on the development of the metabolic syndrome.

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